Fredericksburg EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant
The City of Fredericksburg, Virginia was the winner of EPA assessment grants worth a total of $400,000. The ONE team won the competitive bid to assist them with management and performance of this assessment grant.
ONE helped inform the Fredericksburg community about the helpful aspects of the grant and develop interest in the program from property owners and stake holders in the community. Potential sites were inventoried and prioritized based on City ranking criteria.
ONE used grant funding to complete Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) on many sites. These investigations included review of historical documents and regulatory databases regarding former site use. When appropriate, additional assessment was performed at sites, such as asbestos containing materials inspection, limited Phase II ESAs (such as ground penetrating radar assessment), Phase II ESAs including soil and groundwater sample collection to determine if a site is contaminated, and Phase II ESA delineation to help further determine extent of contamination.
ONE also used grant funding to help plan for future re-use of brownfield properties. Planning documents such as potential re-use renderings and actual site plans were prepared to aid in redevelopment.
The ONE team successfully aided the City of Fredericksburg in managing the grant by submitting quarterly progress reports as well as tracking the projects on the EPA ACRES database.
To date, the Fredericksburg Brownfields Program has been responsible for assessing over 46 acres of property. One of the properties assessed has a planned redevelopment as a mixed use property with commercial properties on the ground floor and residential units above. A second property has a planned reuse as a multi-family residential property.