Site Investigation & Remediation
The ONE team has developed a reputation for developing creative solutions to expedite site closure while minimizing costs required for site investigation and remediation. This is accomplished through innovation and expertise in site characterization, risk assessment, and remediation.
The ONE team understands the regulatory process and the complex requirements for site investigations and remediation projects. The team has written, reviewed and implemented the various regulatory documents typically required including: work plans, quality assurance project plans (QAPP), field sampling and analysis plans (SAP), health and safety plans (HASP), community relations plans (CRP), contingency plans, remedial investigation reports, risk assessments, and remedial alternative selection documents. Historically, the ONE team members have worked on a broad array of project sites located throughout the United States. These projects have ranged from large projects (greater than $20 MM) consisting of teams of consultants and contractors to smaller projects involving a single consulting firm. In all cases, health and safety and project execution following a strict budget and schedule are paramount. The ONE team members are experienced in project management and safe execution of project tasks.
A summary of our experience within various regulatory programs is provided below.
- Brownfields Programs
- RCRA Corrective Action
- RCRA Closure and Post-Closure Care Programs
- TSCA Programs
- Superfund Programs
- State Voluntary Remediation Programs
- State Dry Cleaner Programs
- State UST and AST Programs
- Petroleum Programs
- Landfill Programs
A summary of our experience with innovative remedial programs is provided below:
- Thermal Remediation
- In Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Bioremediation
- Groundwater/Product Cut off Walls
- Phytoremediation
- Enhanced Monitored Natural Attenuation
- Propane and Oxygen Gas Injections